Sunday, January 31, 2010

Good Luck

From Gapers Block:

"If you're looking for some help in deciding on who will get your vote in this Tuesday's election, here is some help from the Sun-Times, the Trib, Vote for Judges, Chicago Bar Association, the Independent Voters of Illinois, the Chicago Federation of Labor, Crain's, and finally, further coverage from the Reader and Windy City Times. Good luck."

Black Tongue

This morning I woke up with a black tongue, I got nervous. When I googled it I found out that my condition ws called black, hairy tongue. I was stressed I might have some kind of stomach cancer considering my weak stomach for the last few days, it turns out that my saliva reacted weirdly to the chewable Pepto-bismol tablets I ate last night. Thank God.

Getting Older

Soon I turn 33. I have waited forever to look my age, and I finally feel like I am. I mean, I weigh a couple years ahead of my age, so I have been waiting for my physical features to catch up. Well, I finally got crows feet, I have a furrow over my brow, my sideburns are starting to fill in, and I think I can grow a man mustache.


I can count the times I've thrown up in my life in less than two hands. On Thursday I added to my count. Its not good to eat a whole loaf of raisin bread, a baguette of 9-Grain bread, chicken medallions, and a banana split, and get the stomach flu. The good thing about this sickness was that I learned a method of not tasting my puke, I hold my nose, I recommend it. I felt over the sickness today and partook of at least three cups of coffee, a roast beef sandwich, Lou Manati's pizza and some wine...don't feel good. No puke, thank God, at least stuff is not coming up, just going out the other side, I can handle that.