I believe in putting down roots and stability. My roots in the city go back to the mid-50's and my family did not flee when it was a historically opportune time to leave for many Chicagoans. Chicago was never a way-fare station to my family. My decision to be in Chicago and how to invest my family's lives here is not based on the market. It isn't based on stress on whether my child will get a better education here or somewhere else.
I'm not interested in improving the CPS just for people passing through. I'm not interested in activist parents using clout and money to only improve schools that affect only their children. The CPS, Emmanuel, claim school improvement is for all, but what about the other 86% of students whose families can't raise $100 million dollars for one school. Why such heavy emphasis on improving the schools for families that are waiting for the market to pick up and leave to the suburbs?My son is a third generation CPS student. Put down roots, stay a little, invest time, money, and care into the other neighborhood schools around the city, not just your own.